Studies have shown that the visual system cannot transmit clear images to the visual cortex during visual development, resulting in abnormal visual development of the cerebral cortex. The eyes and brain of amblyopic patients are different from those of normal people. For example, the amblyopic choroid of patients with anisometropic amblyopia is thicker. The optic nerve, optic radiation and vision-related white matter structures of amblyopic patients are abnormal, and the gray matter of the lateral geniculate nucleus is abnormal. The volume is reduced, and the nerve activity is reduced.
Amblyopia treatment
Traditional Therapy & New Ideas
Traditional masking treatment has been clinically used for more than 300 years, but this treatment method has increased the imbalance of the eyes, and the outcome of the treatment is also quite different. Studies have shown that masking is only effective for less than 50% of patients, and masking therapy alone prevents some patients from improving their vision after reaching a certain level, and the rate of recurrence of amblyopia is also higher in masked patients.
Amblyopia is the result of binocular competitive inhibition, the root cause is binocular competition, manifested as monocular vision dysplasia. Therefore, the key to treating amblyopia is to break the competitive inhibition of binocular and promote the harmonious development of binocular vision.