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Visual Training Process and Ultimate Goal in Amblyopia Rehabilitation

Date:2021.05.15   Views:1493

Visual Training Process and Ultimate Goal in Amblyopia Rehabilitation

I.The eye is constructed in the same way as a camera.There is also a very fine organ in our eyes, the lens, which is like the focus adjuster in a camera. It makes countless fine focus movements every day to ensure that we can see objects at different distances at any time.

II.General principles of visual training:

First to correct the refractive error, that is, people who are already myopic and/or have astigmatism, first to wear a lens.

Let the trainer be aware of the deficiency of binocular vision and understand the purpose of visual training.

Inform the trainer that the effect achieved in the training process is the change of their visual system, rather than the help of the training product. The key is to make the trainer aware of the change of their eyes.

During the training process, let the trainer experience the feeling of eye tension and relaxation, and the difference between eyes gathering and spreading apart.

The emphasis in training is on quality rather than quantity.

Set realistic training plans and goals, but with some flexibility.

III.Visual training basic procedures:

Correction and training of patients with binocular vision dysfunction depends on the following aspects:

● Acquisition of correct and valid data for diagnosis.

● Scientific determination of correction and training programs.

● Patient understanding and cooperation.

● Effective follow-up, follow up and scientific adjustment of the program.

IV.Training time:

Visual training not only needs a certain way, and any kind of training mode needs a certain time and a certain course of treatment.The training should be done several times a week. How long does it take each time? A course of several months is required.Each method has a specific training time, but according to the individual situation, the method and the implementation of the method need different courses of treatment, should be at the beginning of the vision training program, there should be a certain prediction, and guide the trainers and parents, in order to better implementation.

V.Visual training tools:

1. Adjustment training tools: double-sided mirror, vision card, alphabet.

2. Disinhibition training tools: BVT vision 1 training, red and green playing cards, reading units, solid mirror.

3. Training tools for binocular peripheral image fusion: scatter ball, variable vector map, slit ruler, BVT stereoscope, and rope loop map.

4. Training tools for binocular fovea fusion image: fixed vector diagram, slit ruler, BVT stereoscope, clown diagram, track diagram, etc.


VI.The ultimate goal of vision training after amblyopia rehabilitation

Through visual training and rehabilitation in the later stage, we should achieve the goal: the patient's amblyopia is cured, and the distant and progressive vision of both eyes is more than 0.9 and stable.Healthy binocular vision, including good simultaneous vision, adequate adjustment of convergence and sensitivity, and normal stereo vision.

Thank you for reading

Mike Optical Company



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