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What Does the Treatment plan of Amblyopia Have?

Date:2021.05.14   Views:1218

What Does the Treatment plan of Amblyopia Have?

I. how to undertake amblyopia treatment?

(1) Wear corrective glasses every day.

(2) Follow the doctor's or optometrist's amblyopia treatment coordinator training program. Treatment can be done at home every day or under the guidance of the optometrist or doctor at the local optometry center.

(3) According to the situation of covering, in order to avoid the vision loss of covered eyes, it can be opened 1 day per week, that is, 6:1; for children under 2 years old, it can be opened every 3 days, that is, 3:1.At the same time, for children above 4 years old, review once a month, and consolidate every 3-6 months after cure, and carry out partial cover, and gradually cover.

(4) cover must be tight, to prevent children peep, no side can not reach the therapeutic effect, the purpose.

(5) Use a double-sided mirror with adjustable pupil distance (turning the racer) to conduct adjustment sensitivity training, 1-2 times a day, 3-5 minutes each time.

(6) Every month, we need to go to the eye optic center to use the same vision machine for visual screening. If there is inhibition, we need to timely disinhibition training.

(7) Optometry should be performed once every three months or so. Whether to adjust the eye degree or improve the treatment plan should be decided according to the changes of the eyes.

II. Treatment plan:

1. Basic treatment of amblyopia: including correction of refractive errors, treatment of strabismus, and related diseases resulting in form deprivation.

2. Treatment to improve amblyopia

1.) Passive treatment: traditional occlusion method

2.) Active treatment: red light scintilation treatment (red standard filter glass must be used as the medium for good effect), Heidinger brush treatment, afterimage therapy, visual stimulation therapy, eye muscle training, synoptic machine training, etc.

3. Reconstruction of binocular vision function: Isovision machine + visual training (double-sided mirror, vision card, cleft ulnar, solid mirror, BVT stereoscope) : The standard inspection function Isovision machine is the best amblyopia treatment instrument at present, which can effectively improve vision and contrast sensitivity.

4. Congenital cataract and upper face droop: surgery should be adopted for treatment, and optometry should be given to the child in time after surgery to determine whether to wear glasses. Especially, glasses should be worn after congenital cataract surgery to solve the problem of seeing far and near.

5 combined with strabismus of the child: should treat amblyopia, strabismus after treatment.

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