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The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Myopia Correction Surgery

Date:2023.06.08   Views:773

The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Myopia Correction Surgery

With the popularity of myopia surgery, more and more people will choose myopia surgery to remove the glasses, but some people want to do it but do not dare to do it, they are afraid of the risk of surgery, worried that the vision will decline after the old age, is there a risk of blindness? There's no way to know if the surgery is going to be more beneficial or more harmful.The following content, to answer questions.

First,The "Benefits" Of Myopia Surgery

Myopia surgery, can be relatively safe, fast, convenient to restore vision, easy to remove the glasses. Avoid a series of inconveniences caused by myopia and cause lesions in other parts of the body.

1.Precise Closure

Precision computer and laser instrument control the correction degree, the general error is about ±50 degrees.

2.High Security

Only the anterior interstitial corneal surgery, no corneal skin and endothelial cell injury, no corneal scar tissue left after surgery, corneal opacity is small.

3.High Stability

The corneal interstitial healing was rapid, the postoperative degree changed slightly and the stability was good.

4.Short Ooperation Time

Only need local anesthesia with eye medicine, corneal flap incision surgery process, about 10 seconds per eye; The laser correction takes about 30 seconds per eye (depending on the degree of correction), and the visual acuity improves immediately after surgery and can be returned home.

5.High Comfort

There were no symptoms of pain and photophobia such as corneal epithelial cell defect and keratitis. The scope of correction also covers myopia, astigmatism and farsightedness. Over the years, tens of millions of people around the world have gained clear vision as a result of surgery to correct myopia.

Second, The "Disadvantages" Of Myopia Surgery

1.At present, laser surgery treatment myopia technology in the domestic development is not very balanced, a small number of units with commercial operation, advertising exaggerated, not the technical level of effort, increasing the possibility of complications. You can choose a regular professional eye hospital.

2. laser surgery equipment is constantly updated, and the technology is gradually improved. The elimination rate of equipment is high, and not all eye hospitals can update equipment in real time, so that in some ophthalmology departments that do not have the qualification for laser surgery to treat myopia, it will bring certain risks to the treatment of patients.

3.Anything is not perfect, laser surgery treatment myopia treatment effect is no exception. There are always a few surgeries that are not as good as expected before surgery, or that do not correct vision as expected, which is a normal phenomenon from a medical point of view.

4.Not everyone is suitable for laser surgery, before the decision to operate must be a comprehensive examination, if the cornea is too thin is not suitable for laser surgery.

5.The price is relatively high compared to frame glasses and contact lenses.

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