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Is Hyperopia Same As Presbyopia?

Date:2021.06.04   Views:1263

Is Hyperopia Same As Presbyopia?

Presbyopia needs to wear a convex lens for correction, and presbyopia also needs to wear a convex lens to help see clearly when looking close. So is hyperopia same as presbyopia?

Although people both wear convex lenses, they are completely different due to their essential causes.

Presbyopia is a physiological change. Because of the sclerosis of lens, the accommodative function of lens is gradually weakened. It will be difficult to see close for people over 40 years old. Hyperopia is a common refractive error in eye diseases. It is because the image of the external scenery of the eyeball is focused on the retina without adjustment, and the object cannot be seen clearly.

Hyperopia is a common refractive error in eye diseases. It is because the image of the external scene is focused behind the retina without adjustment of the eyeball, and the object cannot be seen clearly.

Therefore, presbyopia and hyperopia are completely different. In addition, the symptoms of presbyopia are related to refractive state and the nature of work. Presbyopia usually occurs at the age of 40-50, but if there is uncorrected hyperopia, the appearance of presbyopia is earlier than that of emmetropia.

People with hyperopia usually have the following conditions:

1. Looking at near or far objects is not affected: It is more common in adolescents with mild hyperopia. It can adjust itself to see objects clearly through the ciliary muscle of the eyeball and the elastic lens.

2. It is not clear to see near objects, but clear to see far away objects: these patients generally have deep hyperopia, or hyperopia show up due to the increase in age and the weakened eyes adjustment ability.

3. Neither far nor near objects can be seen clearly: This is a serious form of hyperopia, which is mostly physiological in childhood and generally does not need to be corrected with lenses. 

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